Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Deep Magma Ocean Fuels Hundreds of Volcanoes on Jupiter Moon

There's a deep ocean of magma lurking beneath the crust of Jupiter's moon Io, a new study says.

Only slightly larger than Earth's moon, Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. The discovery solves a long-standing debate over how much of the moon's insides must be molten to feed the ongoing eruptions.

"At any time, Io has 400 [and] maybe more active volcanoes," said study leader Krishan Khurana, a planetary physicist at the University of California, Los Angles.

"They are very powerful—they can shoot plumes out into space to a height of about 300 miles [500 kilometers]." Finding an extensive magma ocean means that "now we know why there are so many, and where the lava comes from."

(Related: "'Super Earth' May Really Be New Planet Type: Super-Io.")

Jupiter Probe Worked Like Airport Scanners

Khurana and colleagues made the find after reexamining readings from the Galileo spacecraft, which orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003 and made occasional flybys of the planet's moons, including Io.

The data showed how Io deflects Jupiter's enormous magnetic field via a process called electromagnetic induction—"very similar to the principle used by the metal detectors at the airport," Khurana said.

Magma has high electrical conductivity, he explained, a trait that laboratory studies have demonstrated with molten rocks similar to those expected to lie beneath Io's surface.

As Jupiter's electromagnetic field penetrates Io, it interacts with the magma ocean, and a current forms on the outer edge of the molten rock layer. This current in turn generates its own electromagnetic waves, which deflect Jupiter's field lines, an effect the Galileo probe was able to detect.

The data show that Io's magma exists in an underground layer that lies about 20 to 30 miles (30 to 50 kilometers) beneath the surface, between the crust and the mantle.

The magma layer is at least 30 miles (50 kilometers) thick, and it might be as thick as 200 miles (320 kilometers).

(Related: "New Magma Layer Found Deep in Earth's Mantle?")

Moon's Magma a Slushy Mix?

Also, the magma probably isn't completely liquid, Khurana said. Rather, it has the consistency of slushy ice, with a mix of molten rock and crystals.

This hot slush is created by tidal forces from the mammoth gravity of Jupiter, which slowly knead the moon as it moves in its orbit, generating enormous amounts of heat as rock crystals rub against each other.

Once formed, the magma ocean would concentrate tidal energy inside itself, keeping the layer toasty: "A slushy magma ocean is a perfect place for heating from friction," Khurana said.

(Related: "Could Jupiter Moon Harbor Fish-Size Life?")

The discovery wasn't made earlier because Io's volcanoes emit large quantities of ionized gases, which also interact with Jupiter's magnetic field, he added.

It took until now for scientists to produce good enough computer models to pierce though this interference and spot the additional effect of the magma ocean.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Hikmah Pagi: Tertutupnya Pintu Tobat

Sebusuk apapun maksiat yang telah dilakukan, sebanyak apapun dosa yang telah diperbuat, bila manusia kembali kepada jalan Allah, maka Allah SWT akan menerima tobatnya. Bahkan terhadap orang yang kafir sekalipun, bila ia memeluk agama Islam, Allah akan mengampuni segala dosanya.

Pintu tobat senantiasa terbuka. Dan Allah SWT akan senantiasa menanti kedatangan hamba-Nya yang akan bertaubat. Namun demikian, tidak selamanya pintu tobat terbuka ada saatnya pintu tobat tertutup rapat.

Pintu tobat akan tertutup rapat pada dua keadaan; pertama, ketika nyawa manusia sudah berada di tenggorokan. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Mahamulia lagi Mahaagung menerima tobat seseorang sebelum nyawanya sampai di tenggorokan.” (HR Tirmidzi)

Kedua, ketika matahari terbit dari tempat terbenamnya. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Barangsiapa bertobat sebelum matahari terbit dari barat, niscaya Allah menerima taubatnya." (HR Muslim)

Tertutupnya pintu tobat merupakan batas dimana penyesalan, permohonan ampun, perbuatan baik dan keimanan orang kafir tidak bermanfaat lagi, karena Allah SWT tidak menerimanya.

Allah SWT berfirman, “Yang mereka nanti-nanti tidak lain hanyalah kedatangan malaikat kepada mereka (untuk mencabut nyawa mereka), atau kedatangan Tuhanmu atau kedatangan sebagian tanda-tanda Tuhanmu. Pada hari datangnya sebagian tanda-tanda Tuhanmu tidaklah bermanfaat lagi iman seseorang bagi dirinya sendiri yang belum beriman sebelum itu, atau dia (belum) mengusahakan kebaikan dalam masa imannya. Katakanlah: "Tunggulah olehmu sesungguhnya kami pun menunggu (pula)." (Q S Al-An’am [6]: 158)

Hal ini harus menjadi perhatian kita untuk tidak menunda-nunda untuk bertaubat, bila hal ini terjadi besar kemungkinan akan menenggelamkan kita pada kemaksiatan dan pada akhirnya akan menganggap baik bahkan bangga dengan kemaksiatan yang dilakukannya.

Selagi kita hidup didunia, mari kita gunakan kesempatan ini untuk menyikapi adanya penutupan pintu taubat ini dengan cara: Pertama, bersegera melakukan taubat. Allah SWT berfirman, “Sesungguhnya tobat di sisi Allah hanyalah tobat bagi orang-orang yang mengerjakan kejahatan lantaran kejahilan, yang kemudian mereka bertobat dengan segera, maka mereka itulah yang diterima Allah tobatnya; dan Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.” (QS An-Nisa [4]: 17)

Kedua, bersegera melakukan berbagai macam kebaikan sebelum datangnya masa yang menyebabkan kita sulit untuk melakukan kebaikan. Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Bersegeralah kalian untuk mengerjakan amal-amal saleh, karena akan terjadi berbagai fitnah yang menyerupai malam yang gelap gulita..” (HR Muslim dan Tirmidzi)

Ketiga, berusaha meningkatkan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT. Dengan takwa kita akan diberi kemampuan untuk membedakan yang benar dan salah. (QS Al-Anfaal [8]: 29)

Hikmah: Adab Terhadap Allah SWT

Allah SWT, telah menciptakan kita sebagai makhluk yang paling sempurna, melebihkan kita atas kebanyakan makhluk-Nya, memberi kita rizki dari yang baik-baik, dan tidak pernah putus mencurahkan rahmat dan kasih sayang-Nya, selalu menebarkan sifat Rahman dan Rahim-Nya kepada seluruh makhluk.

Sebagai salah satu ciptaan-Nya, merupakan hal yang semestinya bagi kita melaksanakan kewajiban-kewajiban, hak-hak, dan adab-adab kepada Allah SWT. Maka, diantara kewajiban-kewajiban dan hak-hak itu adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, beribadah dan tidak menyekutukan-Nya."Dan tidaklah Aku menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembah-Ku." (QS Adz-Dzariyat:56).

Firman Allah tersebut menggariskan misi hidup manusia dengan tegas, yakni ibadah. Substansinya, seluruh gerak langkah, desah nafas, dan aliran darah manusia tidak boleh keluar dari kerangka pengabdian (ibadah) kepada Allah SWT.

Dengan demikian, ibadah seharusnya menjadi aktivitas keseharian kita sebagai makhluk-Nya selama dua puluh empat jam. Lalai terhadap hal ini berarti penyia-nyiaan kita akan salah satu hak-hak Allah SWT dari makhluk-Nya dan penyia-nyiaan terhadap kesempatan hidup yang akan menjadi penyesalan paling dalam di hari akhir (QS Az-Zumar:56).

Beribadah kepada Allah SWT, selain disertai dengan niat ikhlas, juga menjauhkan diri dari menyekutukan-Nya. "Dari Ibnu Mas'ud RA, berkata: aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW: "Dosa apakah yang paling besar? Rasul menjawab: Engkau membuat sekutu bagi Allah padahal Dia-lah yang menjadikanmu." (HR Bukhari, 4:303).

Setiap Rasul di utus pada tiap-tiap ummat untuk menyerukan,"Sembahlah Allah dan jauhi Thagut". Hadits di atas menunjukan salah satu tugas Nabi Muhammad sebagai Rasul-Nya, bahwa salah satu adab kita kepada Allah SWT adalah beribadah dan tidak menyekutukan-Nya dengan sesuatu pun. Termasuk dosa besar apabila kita menduakan Allah SWT dengan harta, jabatan, kedudukan, maupun dengan keyakinan-keyakinan lainnya yang menyimpang.

Dalam salah satu haditsnya yang lain, Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Jauhilah oleh kalian tujuh perbuatan maksiat. Ditanyakan: Wahai Rasulullah! Apa tujuh perbuatan itu? Rasul menjawab: Menyekutukan Allah dan sihir.....". (HR Muslim, 1:51).

Kedua, bersyukur atas nikmat-nikmat-Nya adalah merupakan kewajiban kita dan hak Allah SWT atas hamba-Nya. "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Makanlah diantara rizki yang baik-baik yang Kami berikan kepadamu dan bersyukurlah kepada Allah, jika benar-benar hanya kepada-Nya kamu menyembah." (QS Al-Baqarah:172).

Betapa besar karunia yang Allah berikan kepada kita, udara segar yang kita hirup setiap hari, cahaya matahari yang selalu menghangatkan tubuh kita, berbagai jenis makananan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan, air jernih sebagai sumber kehidupan, hidup sehat, harta dan kedudukan yang kita miliki, semuanya adalah nikmat-nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada kita sebagai makhluk-Nya. Tidak akan pernah terhitung berapa banyak nikmat yang Allah berikan, sekalipun lautan dijadikan tinta, pohon-pohon dijadikan pensilnya. Tapi, mengapa kita tidak pernah bersyukur atas segala pemberian-Nya?. "....bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan janganlah kalian mengingkari (nikmat-Ku)." (QS Al-Baqarah:152).

Bentuk pengingkaran kita atas nikmat Allah SWT adalah bersikap kufur dan seolah-olah segala yang kita miliki mutlak hasil jerih payah kita dengan mengenyampingkan eksistensi Allah SWT sebagai pemberi rizki. Bukankah ketika kita bersyukur, Allah SWT akan menambah nikmat-Nya dan ketika kita kufur, Allah SWT telah menyediakan siksa yang sangat pedih?.

Oleh sebab itu, sebagai salah satu wujud adab kita kepada Allah SWT, adalah bersyukur dan mensyukuri segala pemberian nikmat dan karunia-Nya dan buang jauh-jauh segala sifat Qorunisme yang melekat pada diri kita.

Ketiga, bertaubat, istighfar dan sadar banyak berbuat dosa adalah adab kita kepada Allah SWT. "Katakanlah; Hai hamba-hamba-Ku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya Dialah Yang Maha Mengampuni lagi Maha Penyayang".(QS. Az-Zumar:53).

Dalam mengarungi kehidupan, ketika derajat keimanan "yaziid" (bertambah) manusia akan ingat dan ta'at kepada Allah SWT. Tapi, ketika derajat keimanan "yanqus" (berkurang) adakalanya manusia terjerambab dalam perbuatan dosa dan maksiat. Ketika dalam kondisi seperti itu, bersegeralah bertaubat dan memohon ampun kepada-Nya. "Tujuh golongan yang akan mendapat naungan Allah pada hari yang tidak ada naungan kecuali naungan-Nya (hari kiamat). Maka ia (Abu Hurairah) menceritakan hadits dan diantaranya: Seseorang yang berdzikir kepada Allah dalam keadaan sepi sampai mencucurkan air mata". (HR. Bukhari-Muslim).

Seberat dan sebesar apapun dosa kita, Allah SWT akan mencurahkan kasih sayang-Nya dengan mengampuni hamba-hamba-Nya yang jatuh dalam kubangan dosa. "Dan hendaklah kamu meminta ampun kepada Tuhanmu dan bertaubatlah kepada-Nya. (jika kamu mengerjakan yang demikian) niscaya Dia akan memberi kenikmatan yang baik (terus menerus) kepadamu sampai waktu yang ditentukan........" (QS Hud:3).

Saat ini, kita masih diberi kesempatan untuk menikmati hidup, janganlah sia-siakan hidup ini, janganlah memandang remeh akan perbuatan dosa. Sebab dosa, adalah penyebab kita akan mendapatkan murka dan siksa Allah SWT. "Bagi orang mukmin melihat dosa-dosanya itu seolah-olah ia duduk di bawah gunung dimana ia merasa takut gunung itu akan menimpanya, sedangkan bagi orang fajir, melihat dosa-dosanya itu bagaikan lalat yang lewat di atas hidungnya".(HR Bukhari 4:99).

Selagi nafas masih ada, selagi malaikat Izrail belum mencabut nyawa, hiasi hari-hari kita dengan senantiasa beribadah dan beristighfar kepada Allah SWT, atas segala perbuatan dosa kita. "Demi Allah! sesungguhnya aku (Muhammad) beristighfar (minta ampun) kepada Allah dan bertaubat kepada-Nya dalam sehari lebih dari tujuh puluh kali." (HR Bukhari).

Itulah diantaranya kewajiban, hak-hak, dan adab kita sebagai makhluk kepada Allah SWT. Semoga dalam keseharian kita selalu beribadah kepada-Nya tanpa disertai kemusyrikan, mensyukuri segala nikmat-Nya, dan senantiasa bertaubat dan beristighfar (memohon ampun) atas dosa-dosa kita. Amien.

Hikmah: Cinta Rasul

Cerdas, bijaksana, berakhlak mulia. Dialah Muhammad saw. Rasul akhir zaman, pemberi peringatan, suri tauladan terbaik bagi umat manusia. Pembawa risalah penyempurna atas nabi-nabi yang terdahulu.

Dialah kekasih Allah, manusia yang terjaga dari kesalahan, sosok pribadi sempurna, figur terbaik yang pernah ada di dunia. Ia di kagumi, dicintai, sekaligus diikuti oleh umatnya yang beriman. Tidak heran apabila orang barat sendiri mengakui bahwa beliau merupakan tokoh yang paling berpengaruh di dunia. (Michael Hart, 100 Tokoh Paling Berpengaruh di Dunia).

Rasulullah sangat mencintai umatnya, itu tercermin bahkan di saat-saat akhir hayatnya ia masih sempat mengucapkan umati….umati…(umatku…umatku…). Sesaat sebelumnya, beliau juga sempat bercakap-cakap dengan malaikat Jibril yang hendak mencabut nyawanya:“Jibril, jelaskan apa hakku nanti dihadapan Allah?” Tanya Rasulullah dengan suara yang sangat lemah. Jibril pun menjawab “Pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah menanti ruhmu. Semua surga terbuka lebar menanti kedatanganmu,”

Namun hal itu ternyata tidak membuat Rasulullah lega, sorot matanya masih penuh kecemasan. “Engkau tidak senang mendengar kabar ini?” Tanya Jibril lagi.

“Kabarkan kepadaku bagaimana nasib umatku kelak?” Tanya Rasul. “Jangan khawatir, wahai Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah berfirman kepadaku: Kuharamkan surga bagi siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada didalamnya,” Jawab Malaikat Jibril.

Subhanallah, betapa cintanya Muhammad kepada kita, sampai-sampai menjelang akhir hayatnya pun masih memikirkan umatnya. Meskipun begitu, memang tidak semua orang menyukainya.Ada juga orang-orang yang membencinya. Itulah kaum kafir yang tidak mau menerima kebenaran Islam. Yang mungkin telah dibutakan mata dan hatinya.

Ketika awal-awal dakwah beliau di Makkah, orang-orang kafir Quraysi juga sangat membenci Rasulullah Saw, bukan karena pola sikapnya, namun karena agamanya, karena ideologinya.

Mereka tidak rela agama nenek moyangnya diganti dengan Islam. Berbagai halangan, rintangan, tuduhan miring, bahkan sampai percobaan pembunuhan pernah dilakukan oleh mereka (kafir Quraysi) dalam merintangi dakwah Islam. Merekalah musuh-musuh Allah dan Rasul-Nya.

Allah SWT berfirman: “Dan seperti itulah, telah Kami adakan bagi tiap-tiap nabi, musuh dari orang-orang yang berdosa. Dan cukuplah Tuhanmu menjadi Pemberi petunjuk dan Penolong.” (QS Al Furqaan: 31).

Dan kini, setelah beliau wafat pun, kedengkian orang-orang kafir itu tidak ada habisnya. Bahkan hingga kini.

Namun hal itu tidaklah mampu melunturkan kemuliaan sosok Muhammad SAW. Ia tetaplah sang kekasih Allah, suri tauladan terbaik bagi manusia. Kita sangat mencintainya, melebihi cinta pada diri ini. Apapun bisa kita perbuat demi Allah dan Rasul-Nya.

*) Direktur Rise Media Surakarta

Hikmah: Ujian Itu Mendewasakan

Sungguh, besarnya pahala tergantung besarnya ujian. Jika Allah mencintai suatu kaum..Allah pasti mengujinya…." (HR Tirmidzi)

Kehidupan adalah sebuah perjalanan panjang menuju sebuah kesempurnaan keabadian. Dalam perjalanan panjang ini sudah dapat dipastikan tidak mungkin akan lurus saja tanpa adanya tikungan dan hambatan. Pastinya perjalanan ini sulit lagi berat. Jalannya berliku, kadang menurun dan mendaki. Itulah ujian. Fitrah dari sebuah kehidupan.

”Apakah manusia mengira bahwa mereka akan dibiarkan mengatakan, "Kami telah beriman, sedangkan mereka tidak diuji lagi?” (QS Al-Ankabuut: 2)

Setiap kali kita memasuki babak baru kenaikan tingkat di sekolah atau di dunia kerja, pastinya ada tes atau ujian yang harus kita lalui terlebih dahulu. Ujian tersebut bisa berupa tulisan maupun lisan yang pastinya akan menyita banyak tenaga dan pikiran kita. Belajar, bekerja, berpikir bagaimana agar dapat melaluinya dan mendapatkan hasil terbaik guna kelancaran sekolah atau pekerjaan. Maka begitu pula dengan kehidupan ini. Di tiap fasenya ada ujian-ujian yang harus kita lalui sebagai syarat kenaikan tingkat untuk mencapai derajat taqwa yang lebih tinggi lagi.

Ujian tentunya bertingkat sesuai dengan kualitas iman seseorang. Semakin tinggi tingkatan imannya, semakin berat pula ujiannya. Sebaliknya, rendahnya tingkatan iman seseorang, tentu saja ujiannya pun akan lebih ringan. Dalam hal ini Rasulullah saw pernah menggambarkan tingkatan ujian itu sebagai berikut : ”Tingkat berat - ringannya ujian, disesuaikan dengan kedudukan manusia itu sendiri. Orang yang paling berat menerima ujian adalah para Nabi, kemudian orang yang lebih dekat derajatnya kepada mereka berurutan secara bertingkat. Orang diuji menurut tingkat ketaatan kepada agamanya. Jika ia sangat kukuh kuat dalam agamanya, diuji pula oleh Allah sesuai dengan tingkat ketaatan kepada agamanya. Demikian bala dan ujian itu senantiasa ditimpakan kepada seorang hamba sampai ia dibiarkan berjalan dimuka bumi tanpa dosa apapun.” (HR. Tirmidzi)

Dalam salah satu ayatnya, Allah juga berfirman: “Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.” (Al Baqarah: 286).

Begitulah karakteristik ujian. Maka yakinlah bahwasannya ujian hanyalah skenario yang dibuat oleh Allah untuk menyeleksi hamba-hamba-Nya. Sebagai sebuah batu loncatan untuk menuju taraf keimanan yang lebih tinggi lagi. Bahwasannya ujian merupakan cara Allah untuk mendewasakan hamba-hambaNya. Maka yakinlah;

“ Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Sungguh sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan..”


*) Penulis adalah Mahasiswi jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FITK, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dan juga Sekbid Kaderisasi LDK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
Redaktur: Siwi Tri Puji B

Perumpamaan Amal

Rasulullah bersabda, "Sesungguhnya perumpamaan orang yang melakukan amal-amal buruk (dosa) kemudian mengerjakan amal-amal baik (saleh), bagaikan seorang yang memakai perisai perang sempit sehingga membuatnya terimpit. Ketika dia mengerjakan satu amal baik, maka perisai itu terasa agak longgar sedikit. Selanjutnya ketika dia mengerjakan satu amal baik lainnya, maka perisai tersebut terasa semakin longgar, hingga orang itu meninggal dunia." (HR Ahmad dari Uqbah bin Amir).

Kewajiban manusia adalah di dalam kehidupan dunia ini adalah melakukan amal baik dan menjauhi amal buruk. Amal baik akan mengarahkan manusia ke jalan kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Sementara amal buruk akan mengarahkan manusia ke jalan keburukan di dunia dan di akhirat. Allah berfirman, "… dan kerjakanlah amal yang baik (saleh). Sesungguhnya Aku Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan." (QS al-Mu'minun [23] m: 51).

Amal buruk harus dijauhi. Dan, bagi orang yang sudah melakukan amal buruk, ia harus meninggalkannya. Rasulullah memberikan perumpamaan tentang hal ini. Bahwa melakukan amal buruk (dosa) itu seperti orang yang memakai baju besi dalam perang yang makin mengimpit, membelit kuat tubuhnya. Semakin ia sering melakukan amal buruk, maka baju besi itu akan semakin mengimpit tubuhnya. Apabila orang itu melakukan amal baik setelah melakukan amal buruk, maka ia ibarat orang yang mengendurkan impitan baju besinya. Semakin banyak amal baik dilakukan, semakin longgar baju besi itu.

Apa maknanya? Pertama, buah dari amal buruk itu adalah penderitaan, kesulitan, dan kesengsaraan hidup. Baik itu di dunia, lebih-lebih di akhirat. Kedua, buah dari amal baik itu adalah kelapangan, keluasan, kemudahan, dan kebahagiaan hidup. Baik itu di dunia, lebih-lebih di akhirat. Karena itu, kunci untuk melepaskan diri dari penderitaan, kesulitan, ataupun kesengsaraan hidup itu sebenarnya sangat mudah: lakukanlah kebaikan, apa pun bentuknya, kapan pun, di manapun; dan jangan sekali-kali melakukan keburukan.

Manusia memang bukan malaikat, yang seratus persen bisa bersih dan suci dari segala dosa. Inilah, misalnya, yang disebut oleh Rasulullah sebagai fluktuasi iman, "Sesungguhnya iman itu dapat bertambah dan berkurang." (HR Muslim).

Akan tetapi, itu tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai alasan bahwa amal buruk itu hal yang wajar. Karena perintah Allah sangat tegas: kerjakanlah amal yang saleh! Tidak ada satu pun ajaran Islam yang memerintahkan untuk beramal buruk. Islam adalah cahaya yang menyingkap kegelapan, mengangkat manusia dari jurang kegelapan menuju ke alam yang benderang, melepaskan manusia dari kesulitan hidup ke kemudahan hidup. Bahagia dunia dan akhirat. Tinggal manusia yang memilih, ingin hidup dalam kegelapan, terimpit dalam kesulitan, dengan beramal buruk, atau ingin hidup dalam terang cahaya, lepas dari impitan kesulitan hidup, dengan beramal baik. Wallahu a'lam.
Redaktur: Siwi Tri Puji B

Tiga Keutamaan Ibu

…Dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik kepada ibu bapakmu dengan sebaik-baiknya . Jika salah seorang diantara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada keduanya perkataan "ah" dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka dan ucapkanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia." (QS al-Israa' [17]: 23).

Allah mengajarkan kepada kita agar berbuat baik dan berbakti kepada kedua orang tua. Untuk mengatakan kepada keduanya "ah" ( perkataan yang dapat menyakiti hati keduanya ) saja kita tidak diperkenankan apalagi yang lebih dari itu. Pernah suatu ketika datang seorang laki-laki kepada Rasulullah saw, ia bertanya kepada Rasulullah saw," Ya Rasulullah, siapa dari manusia yang paling berhak aku utamakan? Rasulullah saw bersabda "Ibumu". Laki-laki tersebut bertanya kembali, "kemudian siapa lagi?" Rasulullah saw bersabda, "kemudian ibumu". Laki-laki tersebut betanya kembali, "kemudian siapa lagi?" Rasulullah bersabda, "kemudian ibumu". "Kemudian siapa lagi?" Rasulullah bersabda, "kemudian ayahmu". (HR Muslim ).

Imam Al-Qurthubi dalam tafsirnya "Al-Jami'ul Al-Ahkamil Qur'an" mangatakan bahwasanya hadits tersebut menunjukan tiga kecintaan dan pengorbanan seorang ibu. Ketiga perakara itu, pertama adalah pengorbanan seorang ibu ketika dalam keadaan hamil, kedua adalah pengorbanan ketika melahirkan, dan ketika adalah pengorbanan ketika menyusui serta mendidik anak. Ketiga perkara tersebut dilakukannya seorang diri.

Perkara pertama, hamilnya seorang ibu. Saat seorang ibu hamil tubuhnya menjadi rentan akan 'bahaya'. Berat tubuhnya menjadi dua kali lipat, karena memebawa kita di dalam rahimnya. Hal itu berlangsung kurang lebih selama Sembilan bulan. Kecintaannya kepada kita telah dicurahkannya sejak saat itu, ia selalu mendahulukan keselamatan bayinya daripada dirinya sendiri. Ia tidak pedulikan berat beban tubuhnya yang bertambah karena kehdiran kita di rahimnya.

Perkara kedua, saat ibu melahirkan. Saat-saat inilah yang dinantikan oleh seorang ibu. Saat dimana ia dapat melihat buah hatinya setelah selama kurang lebih sembilan bulan mengandungnya. Namun saat-saat ini juga merupakan saat-saat yang paling beresiko tinggi dalam hidupnya. Karena melahirkan rentan sekali dengan kematian. Tak sedikit ibu yang rela mengorbankan nyawanya demi lahirnya sang buah hati.

Perakara ketiga, saat menyusui dan mendidik. Setelah melewati masa-masa kritis ketika melahirkan. Tugas seorang ibu tidak lantas selesai begitu saja. Ia haruslah menyusui bayinya sebagai makanan pertama si bayi. Dalam benaknya hanya ada bagaimana agar bayinya tumbuh sehat. Paling tidak kebutuhan jasadiahnya terpenuhi. Setelah lewat masa menyusi dan bayinya tumbuh dewasa ia harus mendidiknya agar kelak menjadi anak yang soleh dan solehah. Mendidik dengan cinta kasih dan kesabaran yang bagai sang surya menyinari dunia.

Ketiga perkara tersebut yang menjadikan seorang ibu mempunyai tiga keutamaan daripada seorang ayah. Dan ketiga perkara tersebut tidak pernah bisa kita balas sepanjang hayat kita walaupun dengan emas permata seluruh dunia. Wallahu 'alam bi showab

*) Penulis adalah seorang anak yang berusaha berbakti kepada orangtuanya. Tinggal di Riau.

Ikhlas Kunci Amal

khlas artinya kita berbuat dan melakukan apa pun hanya dengan niat untuk meraih ridha Allah, bukan untuk apa pun dan bukan untuk siapa pun. Ikhlas adalah kunci diterimanya ibadah dan bentuk-bentuk amal kebajikan. Meski besar nilainya di mata manusia, amal tersebut tidak ada artinya di mata Allah bila tidak dibarengi dengan keikhlasan. Namun, sekecil apa pun kebajikan itu di mata manusia, bila dibarengi dengan niat ikhlas, ia sangat besar nilainya di hadapan Allah.

Perhatikan firman-firman-Nya di dalam Alquran, semua menegaskan keikhlasan. Katakanlah, sesungguhnya shalatku, ibadahku, hidupku, dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah, Tuhan semesta alam, (QS al-Anfam [6]: 162).

Dalam QS al-Bayinah [98]: 5, Allah mengaskan bahwa umatumat terdahulu (para ahlulkitab) juga diajarkan untuk berbuat ikhlas dalam buku-buku mereka. Mengapa? Karena, keikhlasan inti dari agama yang benar. Kepada Rasulullah SAW, Allah menegaskan, Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkan Alquran kepadamu (Muhammad) dengan kebenaran. Maka, sembahlah Allah dengan mengikhlaskan ketaatan kepada-Nya. Ingatlah, hanya kepunyaan Allahlah agama yang bersih, alkhalish. (QS az-Zumar [39]: 2-3).

Hadis berikut ilustrasi mengerikan dalam perjalanan panjang di Hari Akhir bagi sosok-sosok alim dan yang tampak dalam tampilan fisiknya seperti manusia suci. Yang pertama akan diadili di mahkamah Allah adalah orang yang mati di jalan perang (syahid). Ketika ditanya, ia menjawab bahwa ia berperang sampai mati syahid. Dikatakan kepadanya, Kamu bohong! Kamu berperang dengan niat supaya kamu dikatakan pemberani, dan orang-orang sudah menyebut itu. Apa yang terjadi? Ia pun diseret dan dimasukkan ke dalam api neraka.

Kedua, ulama, pengajar Alquran, dan pencerah umat. Ketika ditanya, ia menjawab bahwa saya mencari ilmu dan mengajarkannya. Saya juga mengajarkan Alquran. Lalu dikatakan kepadanya, Kamu dusta! Kamu mencari dan mengajarkan ilmu dengan niat supaya dikatakan alim, dan orang-orang percaya itu. Apa yang terjadi? Ia pun diperlakukan sama, diseret dan dicampakkan ke dalam neraka.

Ketiga, hartawan dan dermawan. Ketika ditanya, ke mana harta itu dipergunakan, ia menjawab bahwa ia telah menginfakkannya untuk umat. Lalu dikatakan kepadanya, Kamu pembohong! Kamu lakukan itu dengan niat supaya disebut dermawan, dan orang-orang pun percaya itu. Lalu apa yang terjadi? Ia pun diperintahkan untuk dilempar ke dalam jurang neraka.

Ternyata banyak amal kebajikan bahkan hingga menguras harta, berpeluh keringat dan darah, tapi kemudian sia-sia dan tak berbekas, bahkan direspons dengan siksa neraka oleh karena tidak disertai dengan ikhlas. Karenanya, mari kita tempatkan kebajikan kita dalam ruang suci bernama ikhlas. Jangan takut bila perbuatan kita tidak diketahui atau tidak dipuji orang. Karena pujian orang banyak tidak ada artinya bila Allah menolaknya. Tapi, takutlah bila perbuat an kita ditolak Allah karena tidak ikhlas. Sebut sebuah hadis, gSeandainya seseorang di antara kalian melakukan suatu kebaikan di tengah padang sahara yang sangat sepi, dalam ruang tertutup tanpa pintu, amal itu suatu saat pasti akan ketahuan juga.
Redaktur: Siwi Tri Puji B

Hakikat Doa

Dan Tuhan kamu berfirman: “Berdoalah kepada-Ku niscaya akan Kuperkenankan bagimu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-Ku (berdoa) akan masuk neraka jahanam dalam keadaan hina dina." ” (QS Al-Ghafir [40]: 60).

Orang yang berdoa kepada Allah SWT tidak akan pernah sia-sia. Allah swt akan mengabulkan setiap doa dari hamba-hambanya. Karena Allah SWT sangat dekat dengan kita. Dan Ia Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui. Sementara orang-orang yang tidak pernah berdoa kepada Allah swt adalah orang-orang yang sombong. Kelak mereka akan masuk neraka jahanam.

“Dan apabila hamba-hamba-Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka (jawablah), bahwasanya Aku dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila ia memohon kepada-Ku, maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala perintah)Ku dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepadaku agar mereka selalu berada dalam kebenaran.” (QS Al-Baqarah [2]: 186).

Namun tidak setiap orang yang doanya didengar oleh Allah swt. Melainkan hanya orang-orang yang dikehendaki-Nya saja. Dan orang-orang yang beriman kepada-Nya. Serta memenuhi segala perintah-Nya juga menjauhi segala larangan-Nya.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda ”Apabila seorang Muslim berdoa dan tidak memohon sesuatu yang berdosa atau pemutusan kerabat kecuali akan dikabulkan oleh Allah satu dari tiga perkara: Akan dikabulkan doanya, atau ditunda untuk disimpan (sebagai pahala) dia akhirat, atau menghilangkan daripadanya keburukan yang semisalnya.” (Al Hadis).

Sebagai seorang Muslim dalam berdoa hendaklah kita jangan pernah berputus asa dan berburuk sangka kepada Allah swt. Karena merasa doa kita tidak di dengar atau tidak di kabulkan oleh-Nya.

Sejatinya seperti yang disabdakan oleh Rasulullah SAW, bahwasanya Allah swt akan mengabulkan doa seorang muslim selama doa itu baik. Kalaupun tidak terlaksana bukan berati tidak dikabulkan. Bisa jadi ditangguhkan masanya, atau diganti dengan pahala di akhirat kelak. Bisa juga doa tersebut dijadikan sebagai penolak bala atas kita. Dalam artian doa tersebut menjadi pengganti dari sesuatu yang buruk yang akan menimpa kita menjadi sesuatu yang baik. Dengan kata lain, itu semua berati usaha kita dalam berdoa tidak ada yang sia-sia di sisi Allah swt.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Tidak ada sesuatu yang lebih mulia di sisi Allah swt melebihi doa.” (HR Tirmidzi).

Biar bagaimanapun derajat doa di sisi Allah tetap menjadi yang utama. Allah swt sangat senang kepada hamba-hamba-Nya yang senantiasa berdoa dan memohon kepada-Nya. Oleh karenanya janganlah kita menjadi orang yang sombong dengan jarangnya atau tidak pernahnya kita berdoa kepada Allah SWT.

Berdoalah dengan penuh keikhlasan dan keyakinan, bahwa Allah akan mengabulkan dan mendengar doa kita. Pada hakikatnya, alam semeseta beserta isinya adalah kepunyaan Allah. Kita hanyalah bagian kecil dari penciptaan-Nya yang sempurna. Hanya orang-orang yang sombong dan munafik yang merasa tidak membutuhkan pertolongan (tidak berdoa kepada) Allah. Wallahu a‘Slam bish shawab.

Bekerja dengan Hati

Bekerja adalah salah satu aktivitas yang disukai oleh Allah SWT, "Sesungguhnya Allah Taala senang melihat hamba-Nya bersusah payah (lelah) dalam mencari rezeki yang halal." (HR ad-Dailami). Bahkan, Rasulullah SAW menempatkannya di deretan kegiatan yang wajib dilakukan oleh umatnya, "Mencari rezeki yang halal adalah wajib sesudah menunaikan yang fardu (ibadah mahdhah)." (HR ath-Thabrani dan al-Baihaqi).

Bekerja adalah upaya menjemput rezeki Allah SWT. Tujuannya agar kebutuhan hidup dapat terpenuhi. Oleh karenanya, Rasulullah SAW mengajarkan prinsip-prinsip dalam menjemput rezeki. Yakni, yakin bahwa setiap manusia mendapat bagian rezeki; selalu memperbaiki cara-cara dalam menjemput rezeki; bersabar dengan rezeki yang belum kunjung datang; tidak menempuh cara-cara yang menyimpang dari sunatullah.

Dalam proses mencari rezeki, seseorang akan menghadapi berbagai kendala dan rintangan. Rintangan terberat adalah ketika hati nurani tak lagi disertakan dalam bekerja, dan lebih memilih menuruti hawa nafsu. Ketika nafsu lepas kendali, rasa malu untuk melakukan keburukan tak ada lagi, segala macam cara dihalalkan, norma dan etika tak lagi penting, bahkan iman akan mudah dikorbankan. "Sesungguhnya sebagian ajaran yang masih dikenal umat manusia dari perkataan para nabi adalah 'jika engkau tidak malu, berbuatlah sesukamu'." (HR Bukhari).

Bila kondisi semacam ini terus berlanjut, akan timbul perilaku-perilaku impulsif yang bisa menyeret pada kepribadian yang menyimpang (personality disorder). Tidak ada kecemasan ketika melakukan kejahatan dan seusai berbuat tak tebersit perasaan bersalah (guilty feeling), yang lebih ironis perbuatan jahatnya dianggap sesuatu yang wajar.

Perilaku seperti itu merugikan banyak pihak dan diri sendiri. Tidak saja lahan pekerjaan dan kepercayaan orang lain kepadanya yang terancam lenyap, tapi kerugian yang amat besar telah menantinya yaitu bangkrutnya kekayaan hakiki (hati nurani). Dan, pada saat hati nurani telah mati, tak ada lagi ukuran untuk membedakan antara yang baik dan yang buruk, setiap tindakan cenderung melampaui batas, perbuatan baik dan ketaatan menjadi sesuatu yang remeh, tak sadar bahwa hidup di dunia dalam genggaman Zat Pencipta yang setiap saat siap untuk dicabut, dan lupa bahwa kehidupan dunia menjadi penentu nasib di kehidupan akhirat yang kekal.

Mengelola nafsu menjadi syarat penting dalam bekerja maupun dalam bertindak apa pun. Kejahatan dan keterpurukan selalu terinspirasi oleh nafsu yang liar. Karena pentingnya nafsu untuk dikelola, Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash mengingatkan wasiat Rasulullah SAW, "Tidak beriman seorang di antara kalian, sehingga hawa nafsunya mengikuti apa yang aku bawa."
Redaktur: Siwi Tri Puji B


Di alam ciptaan Allah SWT ini, memiliki banyak sekali hikmah yang dapat dipetik bila kita mau merenunginya. Firman-Nya juga merupakan sumber ilmu yang sangat luas. Kebenaran-kebenaran di dalamnya sudah dibuktikan dengan berbagai penelitian-penelitian ilmiah.

Allah Yang Maha Mengatur, sudah menciptakan alam semesta ini dengan ukuran (takaran) yang pas. Sesuai firman-Nya: “Sungguh, Kami Menciptakan segala sesuatu menurut ukuran.” (QS. Al-Qamar: 49).

Coba kita bayangkan, jika bumi sedikit lebih dekat saja ke matahari, apa yang terjadi? Tak ada kehidupan, karena panasnya membakar habis apa yang ada di bumi. Atau, jika bumi sedikit lebih jauh dari matahari, apa yang terjadi? Tak ada kehidupan, karena semuanya membeku.

Allah SWT jugalah yang mengatur segala gerak-gerik aktivitas makhluk-Nya di dunia ini. Mulai dari orbit-orbit pada atom yang begitu kecil, hingga mengatur planet-planet dan benda-benda angkasa lainnya supaya tak terjadi tabrakan. Coba kita bayangkan lagi, jika ada satu saja partikel subatom yang melenceng keluar dari lintasannya, apa yang terjadi? Dunia ini akan mengalami kekacauan. Atau, jika satu planet tak mengikuti orbitnya, apa yang terjadi? Akan terjadi tabrakan yang begitu dahsyatnya.

Jika saja Allah biarkan ,sedetik saja, matahari tak bersinar, apa akibatnya? Kehidupan akan kacau-balau. Inilah kekuasaan Allah SWT. Dia mengatur semuanya, hingga detail sekecil apapun. Kalau saja ada perhitungan yang meleset (walaupun ini tidak mungkin bagi Allah SWT), kita tidak dapat membayangkan kekacauan apa yang akan terjadi.

Maka itu, Allah sering menyuruh kita untuk merenungi ciptaan-Nya, mengambil hikmah darinya. “Dan di bumi terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi orang-orang yang yakin, dan (juga) pada dirimu sendiri. Maka apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan?” (QS Adz-Dzaariyaat: 20-21).

Pada ayat lain Allah berfirman: “Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan pergantian malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi orang yang berakal.” (QS Ali ‘Imraan: 190).

Kita sebagai orang beriman, tujuan kita menuntut ilmu adalah untuk menambah iman kita kepada Allah SWT, bukan sebaliknya. Coba bayangkan, ketika pelajaran tentang atom, munculkan perasaan kagum kita pada Allah SWT. Betapa Dia menciptakan dan mengatur atom-atom itu, beserta putaran-putaran partikel subatom di dalamnya, tanpa kesalahan sedikitpun! Tak ada tabrakan antar atom tersebut. Lebih hebatnya lagi, tak ada tabrakan antar elektron-elektron yang mengorbit di dalam atom tersebut!

betapa hukum-hukum-Nya begitu mempesona. Gravitasi, gerak, optik, kalor, usaha, energi, semua Dia ciptakan beserta rumus-rumusnya!

Sudah begitu banyaknya Ia hamparkan bukti-bukti kekuasaan-Nya, maka keterlaluan jika kita masih menafikan keberadaan-Nya. Apalagi menyebut bahwa semua ciptaan ini hanya berasal dari ketidaksengajaan semata, seperti yang diungkapkan para evolusionis.

Maka, saudaraku, renungilah alam ciptaan-Nya ini. Begitu indah, begitu mempesona. Sungguh tak ada kesalahan dan cacat di dalamnya. Semuanya bermanfaat. Wallahu a’lam bish-shAwaab.

Penyakit Hati

Ada satu pepatah Arab meyebutkan: Likulli dzi ni'matin mahsudun. Kalimat ini memiliki semantikal bahwa setiap orang yang diberi nikmat pasti ada saja yang tidak suka. Dengan kata lain, seseorang akan hasud bila ada temannya yang mendapatkan kebahagiaan. Begitu sebaliknya, ia merasa bahagia apabila temannya mendapatkan kesusahan.

Dengki atau merasa iri hati pada orang lain merupakan salah satu penyakit hati yang sangat berbahaya, sampai-sampai dalam sebuah hadis Nabi SAW ditegaskan bahwa penyakit ini dapat menghapuskan amal-amal baik kita laksana api yang memakan kayu bakar. (HR. Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Majah).

Dalam hidup ini, kita dituntut bersyukur atas segala limpahan kurnia yang telah Allah SWT anugerahkan kepada kita. Perintah itu termaktub dalam firman-Nya, "Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Tuhanmu memaklumkan, 'Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih'." (QS Ibrahim [14] : 7).

Berlandaskan kalam Ilahi tersebut, sudah sepatutnya kita mensyukuri apa pun yang kita miliki, dengan meminjam istilah motivator kenamaan Mario Teguh, mensyukuri dan bahagia dengan apa adanya kita. Bahagia dan kesedihan (kesulitan) dalam hidup ini harus kita terima dan kita jalani dengan senang hati. Rasulullah mengajarkan dalam masalah dunia kita harus melihat ke bawah, karena sangat dimungkinkan masih banyak saudara-saudara kita yang potret kehidupannya masih terpuruk di bawah kita. Sedangkan untuk masalah akhirat, kita diperintahkan untuk melihat ke atas demi merangsang kita dalam melakukan amal ibadah kepada Allah SWT. Kita harus mengukur kualitas ibadah kita dengan orang lain, agar semakin mendekatkan diri pada-Nya.

Penyakit iri adalah penyakit rohani yang harus dibuang jauh-jauh dalam diri kita. Penyakit rohani ini lebih berbahaya dari penyakit jasmani. Oleh karena itu, sebelum "virus hati" ini semakin parah dalam menggerogoti hati kita, maka sedini mungkin kita harus memiliki "anti virus" yang ampuh untuk menghilangkannya.

Pertama, bersyukur kepada Allah SWT atas nikmat yang telah diberi-Nya, seperti yang telah dipaparkan di atas. Kedua, selalu berzikir kepada Sang Khalik. Zikir bisa dilakukan dalam beberapa keadaan, baik ramai maupun sepi.

Dengan melantukan kalimah toyyibah diharapkan perasaan iri hati ini lenyap dari hati kita dan diganti dengan rasa ketenangan.

Karena zikir adalah bentuk psikoterapi yang dapat digunakan sebagai terapi dahsyat untuk menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit rohani. Allah berfirman, "(yaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka manjadi tenteram dengan mengingat Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allahlah hati menjadi tenteram." (ar-Ra'd [13] : 28).

Dipetik dari Republika Koran.

Renungan Hidup

"Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dari suatu saripati (berasal) dari tanah. Kemudian Kami jadikan saripati itu air mani (yang disimpan) dalam tempat yang kokoh (rahim). Kemudian air mani itu Kami jadikan segumpal darah, lalu segumpal darah itu Kami jadikan segumpal daging, dan segumpal daging itu Kami jadikan tulang belulang, lalu tulang belulang itu Kami bungkus dengan daging. Kemudian Kami jadikan dia makhluk yang (berbentuk) lain. Maka Maha Sucilah Allah, Pencipta Yang Paling Baik. Kemudian, sesudah itu, sesungguhnya kamu sekalian benar-benar akan mati. Kemudian, sesungguhnya kamu sekalian akan dibangkitkan (dari kuburmu) di hari kiamat" (QS Al Mu'minun [23]: 12 - 16)

Allah SWT memerintahkan kepada hamba-hambanya baik melalui kalimat secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, agar memperbanyak tafakkur/merenung. Termasuklah salah satu bahan renungan adalah tentang makna sebuah kehidupan; darimana asal kejadian, bagaimana proses penciptaan manusia, mengapa dan untuk apa diciptakan, kemudian kemana akhir kehidupan, serta apa kejadian sesudah dimatikan. Demikian isi kandungan dari ayat di atas.

Yang dapat diketahui bahwa manusia diciptakan dari saripati tanah, menjadi mani, menjadi segumpal darah, segumpal darah kemudian menjadi segumpal daging, daging dikuatkan dengan tulang jadilah manusia seperti kita yang kemudian berproses dalam kehidupan dari masa anak-anak, remaja, tua, hingga mengakhirinya dengan kematian, kemudian dibangkitkan untuk mempertanggung-jawabkan masa kehidupan di dunia. Ini adalah proses alamiah yang tidak hanya manusia yang akan melewatinya, tetapi seluruh makhluk yang bernyawa.

"Sesuatu yang bernyawa tidak akan mati melainkan dengan izin Allah, sebagai ketetapan yang Telah ditentukan waktunya." (QS Ali Imran :145)

Apabila disadari betul-betul hidup di dunia sungguh-sungguh singkat, sangat-sangat sebentar/sesa’at, menurut WHO salah satu badan kesehatan dunia, rata-rata harapan manusia untuk hidup maksimal adalah antara 50-79 tahun. Hal ini apabila dibandingkan dengan kehidupan akhirat yang kekal abadi. Allah SWT menggambarkannya: "Pada hari mereka melihat hari berbangkit itu, mereka seakan-akan tidak tinggal (di dunia) melainkan (sebentar saja) di waktu sore atau pagi." (QS 79: 46)

Dari pemahaman yang mendalam inilah, diharapkan timbul kesadaran, dan dari kesadaran diharapkan muncul akhlak yang mulia selama menjalani hidup di dunia. Dengan prinsip untuk apa melalaikan perintah Allah dalam kehidupan yang singkat dan terbatas, dan untuk apa berbuat jahat kepada sesama manusia, semua itu akan sia-sia dan menjadikan rugi bahkan menyesal ketika di hari pertanggungjawaban.

Sebaliknya, hidup yang serba singkat ini hendaknya banyak berbekal dengan keshalehan, ketakwaan, mengisi waktu tersisa dengan hal-hal yang bermanfaat dan banyak membahagiakan orang lain tentunya dapat mengantarkan manusia kepada ketenangan menjalani kehidupan dunia dan akhirat.

"Hai anak Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan pakaian untuk menutupi 'auratmu dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan. Dan pakaian takwa itulah yang baik. Yang demikian itu adalah sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka selalu ingat."(QS 7: 26) .Wallahu ‘alam bish-shawab

Rahasia Maaf

Kecenderungan orang, secara naluriah, jika mendapatkan sesuatu yang buruk dari orang lain adalah bereaksi negatif. Dalam hatinya akan muncul perasaan dendam. Kemungkinannya: ia akan membalasnya dengan perlakuan yang sama, atau ia akan membalasnya dengan perlakuan yang lebih buruk dari yang ia terima.

Apakah membalas dengan perlakuan yang sama lantas perasaan dendam itu akan hilang? Tidak. Perasaan negatif itu akan terus muncul tanpa bisa dibendung, kecuali dengan memaafkan. Lalu, setelah membalas perlakuan buruk dengan yang lebih buruk, apakah perasaan dendam itu hilang, karena puas dengan balasan yang lebih? Sekali lagi tidak. Perasaan dendam tidak akan hilang, walau perlakuan buruk telah dibalas dengan yang lebih buruk.

Sangat mungkin orang yang dibalas dengan yang lebih buruk, akan membalasnya kembali dengan yang lebih buruk lagi. Akhirnya, puncaknya adalah salah seorang dari keduanya mati terbunuh. Lalu, keluarga korban membalasnya dengan membunuh pula. Lebih jauh dan sangat mungkin akan terjadi perang: perang antarkeluarga, menyebar menjadi perang antarkelompok, dan seterusnya. Sekarang bayangkan, apa jadinya jika semua orang di negeri ini pendendam? Tentu tidak akan ada kehidupan damai.

Nah, apa langkah yang tepat ketika mendapat perlakuan buruk dari orang lain? Yaitu, dengan memaafkan. Ada rahasia yang tidak kasat mata dalam memaafkan. Jika kita memaafkan orang yang melakukan hal buruk, ada kemungkinan ia pun akan meminta maaf kepada kita. Jika pun tidak, orang yang memaafkan akan terhindar dari perasaan dendam yang akan terus menyiksa batinnya. Langkah selanjutnya adalah bersabar atas apa yang menimpa kita. Dan, kebahagiaan akan muncul mewarnai jiwanya. Sebab, memaafkan dan sabar hanya lahir dari hati yang bahagia.

Allah telah memberikan bimbingan kepada Rasulullah SAW dan umatnya melalui firman-Nya. "Dan jika kamu memberikan balasan, maka balaslah dengan balasan yang sama dengan siksaan yang ditimpakan kepadamu. Akan tetapi jika kamu bersabar, sesungguhnya itulah yang lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bersabar." (QS an-Nahl [16]: 126).

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah bahwa ayat ini turun ketika Rasulullah SAW melihat jenazah Hamzah yang gugur sebagai syahid dalam Perang Uhud dengan keadaan tubuhnya yang mengenaskan. Seketika itu, Rasulullah berucap, "Sungguh aku akan membalas dendam kepada orang-orang kafir. Aku benar-benar akan membantai tujuh puluh orang di antara mereka." Dan, turunlah ayat ini. Allah memberikan nasihat kepada Rasulullah agar bersabar. Karena itulah yang terbaik. Dan, akhirnya Rasulullah mengurungkan niatnya untuk membalas dendam. Maka, memaafkan dan sabar adalah alasan yang paling tepat bagi siapa saja yang menginginkan kebahagiaan.

Wasiat Rasulullah SAW

Dari Abu Najih ’Irbadh bin Sariyah (rodhiallahu ‘anhu) ia berkata, “Rasulullah SAW pernah menasihati kami dengan nasihat yang menggetarkan hati dan mencucurkan air mata. Kami bertanya, Wahai Rasulullah, sepertinya ini adalah nasihat perpisahan, karena itu berilah kami nasihat. Beliau bersabda, “Aku wasiatkan kepada kalian untuk tetap menjaga ketakwaan kepada Allah ‘aza wa jalla, tunduk taat (kepada pemimpin) meskipun kalian dipimpin oleh seorang budak (Habsyi). Karena orang-orang yang hidup sesudahku akan melihat berbagai perselisihan. Hendaklah kalian berpegang teguh kepada sunah-ku dan sunah Khulafaur Rasyidin yang diberi petunjuk (Allah). Peganglah kuat-kuat sunnah itu dengan gigi geraham dan jauhilah ajaran-ajaran yang baru (dalam agama) karena semua bid’ah adalah sesat.” (HR Abu Dawud dan Tirmidzi).

Rasulullah SAW telah memprediksi keadaan umat sepeniggal beliau nanti. Akan terjadi perselisihan yang besar pada umat Rasulullah SAW. Karena itu beliau juga berwasiat kepada para sahabatnya sebagai pegangan dikemudian hari. Wasiat ini pun berlaku untuk kita, dan seluruh umat Rasulullah SAW. Ada dua wasiat Rasulullah SAW yang digambarkan oleh sahabat seolah menggetarkan hati dan mencucurkan air mata.

Pertama, takwa kepada Allah SWT dan tunduk kepada pemimpin. Ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT adalah bekal kunci, bekal utama bagi umat Islam. Barangsiapa yang mengikuti aturan-aturan Allah. Menjauhi larangan-Nya, dan melaksanakan perintah-Nya. Niscaya ia akan selamat dunia akhirat. Taat kepada pemimpin dapat meminimalisir perpecahan. Jika terjadi pemberontakan kepada pemimpin. Atau mosi tidak percaya kepada pemimpin. Maka pertumpahan darah tidak dapat dielakan. Sejarah telah banyak mencatat hal semacam itu.

Hal ini pun dijamin oleh Allah SWT, firman-Nya, “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul-Nya, dan ulil amri di antara kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapat tentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (Al Qur'an) dan Rasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya”. ( An Nissa [4] : 59).

Kedua, memegang teguh kuat-kuat kepada sunah Rasulullah SAW dan sunah Khulafaur Rasyidin. Seolah menggitnya dengan gigi graham. Disini betapa Rasulullah SAW sangat mewanti-wanti kita tuk memegang teguh sunah beliau. Jika kita perhatikan ayat-ayat yang mengisyaratkan untuk mentaati Allah SWT selalu berdampingan dengan mentaati rasul-Nya.
Lihat (Ali Imran [2] : 32), (An Nisa [4] : 13, 14, 59, 80), (Al Anfaal [8] : 24, 46), (Al Maidah [5] : 92)

Hal ini menunjukan betapa pentingnya memegang teguh sunah Rasulullah SAW serta menghidupakannnya. Begitu juga dengan sunah Khulafaur Rasyidin. Empat sahabat yang kita kenal sebagai empat khalifah pertama. Yang terkenal dengan kebagusan agamanya dan kecakapan dalam memimpin. Yaitu Abu Bakar As Shidiq, Umar bin Khattab, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Thalib.

Menurut Imam Nawawi bahwa yang dimaksud Khulafaur Rasyidin adalah para khalifah yang empat yaitu; Abu Bakar, Umar, Utsman dan Ali. Imam Ibnu Daqil ‘Ied juga menjelaskan bahwa mereka adalah keempat khalifah tersebut berdasarkan ijma. Ibnu Taimiyah dalam Minhaju As Sunah An Nabawiyah, menjelaskan bahwasanya Rasulullah SAW telah mengabarkan tentang kepemimpinan mereka, “Kekhalifahan sesudahku berlangsung selama tiga puluh tahun. Abu Bakar memegang pemerintahan selama 2 tahun, Umar 10 tahun, Utsman 12 tahun dan Ali 6 tahun”. Wallahu a’lam bish-shawab.

Study: Internet Use, but Not TV Watching, Linked to Sleeplessness in Teens

Many studies (along with casual observation in any home with a teenager) have associated nighttime media use — video gaming, Internet surfing and TV time — with sleep deficits in teens. But the latest research fine tunes those findings, suggesting that while some types of media may indeed keep teens up too late, others may have no effect.

In a study presented Monday at the American Psychiatric Association's annual meeting in Honolulu, researchers studying how media consumption affects adolescent sleep reported that video gaming and Internet use were associated with less sleep among teens, but TV watching was linked to slightly increased time in bed.

In addition, the researchers found, physical activity was also associated with increased teen sleep, confirming previous data that links exercise with better sleep.

(More on TIME.com: Are You Among the 'Sleepless Elite' — Or Just Sleep Deprived?)

Fewer than 10% of teens currently get the recommended nine hours of sleep each night, and students who spend more time connecting with friends online or playing video games at night are more likely to be in that sleepless group, says the study's lead author Dr. Caris Fitzgerald, a resident physician in psychiatry at the University of Arkansas. "Gaming and computer use are more about the drive to stay awake," she says. "They are more about arousal. Studies show that they are linked to heart rate variability, blood pressure changes, and changes in flight-or-fight responses."

Working off the hypothesis that gaming and Internet use are engaging and stimulating activities, TV watching can be considered more passive, which may be why it was linked to slightly more hours of sleep among the teens surveyed in the study.

However, Fitzgerald says the study wasn't designed to determine causality — in other words, the findings say nothing about whether it was the media use that determined how much sleep teens got, or whether the teens' existing sleep patterns led to more or less computer use.

(More on TIME.com: Why the TV Is Risky for Kids: It's Not Just the Programming)

Even so, the results hint that there may be differences in the way social media influences sleep. "We live in a 24-7 society and that is not going to go away," Fitzgerald says. "Moderation is the key, and we should pay special attention to the timing of social media exposure, and especially with regard to sleep, it may be important to minimize the effect of certain social media at night."

Related Topics:
adolescents, internet, Medicine, Sleep, Sleep, teens, television, video games

Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2011/05/16/study-internet-use-but-not-tv-watching-linked-to-sleeplessness-in-teens/#ixzz1MbIOLOLV

Should Drug Companies Get to See What Your Doctor Is Prescribing?

An e-mail has been making the rounds among some of my physician colleagues. "I am shocked that information about the prescriptions I write for my patients is being sold (along with my name!) to drug companies for marketing purposes," begins the missive. "This is a violation of my privacy as a physician and an intrusion into the doctor-patient relationship!"

The note implores doctors to support laws that restrict the sale of physician-prescribing information to drug companies and to sign up with the American Medical Association (AMA) to have our prescription information blocked from sale for commercial purposes.

The trigger of this e-mail was a court case, Sorrell v. IMS Health, which was argued last month in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The case challenges a Vermont law prohibiting the commercial sale of doctor-prescription records without the physician's express approval. IMS Health, the company that brought the suit on the grounds that the law violates free commercial speech, is a data miner: it buys prescription data from pharmacies, removes the patients' (but not the doctors') names, then aggregates, sorts and sells the information to drug companies who use it to tailor their "detailing" marketing operations to specific doctors and locations. (See "Health Checkup: How to Live 100 Years.")

The way pharmaceutical-detailing works is complex, but it often involves sending representatives to doctors' offices — sometimes with goodies like cookies, free drug samples for patients and "educational" materials, which usually reference drugs and devices sold by the representative's company. Detailing is expensive — companies spend more than $7.5 billion per year on it — but it is also considered a very effective way to promote drugs and other medical goods.

So what was the reasoning behind the Vermont law? The e-mail I received focused on physician privacy. Indeed, the law was spurred by the Vermont Medical Society, which issued resolutions in 2006 over concerns about doctors' privacy as well as the privacy of patients, in situations where the medical identifiers were not removed fully.

This is curious because very little about the practice of medicine — a highly regulated and monitored profession — is truly private. As a physician, nearly every medical decision I make, every care note I write and every test I order is subject to review and evaluation (and sometimes even public reporting) by various public and private entities. Yet despite this, the culture of medicine elevates the sanctity of the doctor-patient encounter; so for many, the commercial sale of prescription information — a byproduct of that encounter — just feels wrong, even if the patients' names are scrubbed. This, I suspect, is why so many doctors feel that their prescription data should be kept private. (See the most common hospital mishaps.)

It wasn't just that one e-mail. Other doctor colleagues have told me that they are shocked that their prescription histories can be traced in order to make them targets for pharmaceutical marketing. Although many doctors welcome the attention (and the pens, free samples and cookies) that comes when a detailer shows up at the office, evidence shows that these doctors believe that detailing does not change their own personal prescription habits. In other words, these doctors think, "I am happy to hear what the representative has to say, but that doesn't mean I will do what she recommends." So then it feels sneaky and unfair if the detailers somehow have secret information about our personal prescribing history that they use to craft persuasive messages.

The actual reasoning behind the Vermont law (and similar legislative efforts in other states) goes beyond protecting doctors from privacy invasion. These laws were written, in part, to lessen the impact of drug-company tactics that are understood to have limited medical value. Because detailers tend to promote newer and expensive treatments and tests, their efforts come at the expense of older, well-tested, less expensive and often equally effective options. These less promoted remedies — which are often off patent and no longer generate big profits — don't have the same type of well-financed champions to compete with the detailers for the expensive treatments. That is why Vermont and other states have passed legislation to try to level the playing field. (See the top 10 medical breakthroughs of 2010.)

But it appears that these laws may be doomed. In oral arguments last week, the Supreme Court Justices appeared to be highly skeptical of the constitutionality of the Vermont law, worrying aloud that it unfairly restricts commercial free speech. Legal analysts have since predicted that the law will be struck down.

But even if the data-mining law is voided, it's possible that the attention brought to it — at least among physicians — may spur some good. For example, it may motivate doctors to sign up with the AMA to have their prescription histories blocked from use by pharmaceutical sales representatives. This plan, known as the prescription-data restriction program (PRDP), is the product of a privacy deal struck between pharmaceutical companies and the AMA in 2006. The problem with the PDRP, however, is that few of us doctors know about the plan, so it has been undersubscribed. Another issue is that it doesn't completely block the use of individual physician-prescription data by drug companies. But perhaps articles on this topic and e-mails like the one I received will induce more of us to sign up for PDRP, which might go some of the way to reducing the use of our prescription histories for marketing.

More importantly, I hope the attention will motivate policymakers to think about better ways to get the best available evidence about patient care to busy doctors; we don't always have the time to scour every medical journal to fully vet the information that comes our way from pharmaceutical detailers. The federal recovery act and health care reform law both supported efforts to promote comparative effectiveness research to doctors and other health care providers. One such effort includes "academic detailers," who go to doctors' offices to share up-to-date comparative evidence about treatment options for particular conditions. Unlike their pharmaceutical-company counterparts, academic detailers are not burdened by economic incentives to promote particular drugs. These programs are expensive but probably effective.

In the end, doctors may have to be more proactive about keeping their prescription histories from marketers. And legislators may have to scale back their efforts to unilaterally limit access to information. The most promising solutions to leveling the field are ones that expand the dissemination of good information to as many people (doctors, patients and families) as possible. There are many creative programs out there to spread evidence-based health care information (both private and public), but it can get lost in a cacophony of conflicted and confusing voices. Even if the Vermont law fails, it will be important to figure out and support the best of these efforts, so information that is free of conflicts of interest can rise to the top.

Dr. Meisel is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation clinical scholar and an emergency physician at the University of Pennsylvania.

See a quick guide to the FDA.

See TIME's Pictures of the Week.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2071886,00.html#ixzz1MbHp6CZ6

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

The seduction secrets of video game designers

Video games, we have been led to believe, are about wasting time. It is a misunderstanding that players and game makers have railed against for 40 years. While movies and television are endlessly analysed and debated in the mainstream media, games are characterised as troubling, irresponsible or banal, the fatuous byproducts of the digital revolution.

But a growing number of theorists and designers disagree. This is, after all, an entertainment medium that worldwide makes $50bn a year, a medium in which an estimated one third of UK adults indulge. An emerging school of thought, drawing on cognitive science, psychology and sociology, suggests that our growing love of video games may actually have important things to tell us about our intrinsic desires and motivations.

Central to it all is a simple theory – that games are fun because they teach us interesting things and they do it in a way that our brains prefer – through systems and puzzles. Five years ago, Raph Koster, the designer of seminal multiplayer fantasy games such as Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies wrote a fascinating book called A Theory of Fun for Game Design, in which he put forward the irresistibly catchy tenet that "with games, learning is the drug".

"An effective learning environment, and for that matter an effective creative environment, is one in which failure is OK – it's even welcomed," Koster says via phone from his hometown of San Diego. "In game theory, this is often spoken of as the 'magic circle': you enter into a realm where the rules of the real world don't apply – and typically being judged on success and failure is part of the real world. People need to feel free to try things and to learn without being judged or penalised."

Consistently, he says, the most successful games are the ones that provide us with interesting tools such as weapons or magic (or even angry birds) and allow us time to experiment with them. He provides as a defining example the 1985 platforming game Super Mario Bros, created by Nintendo's renowned game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. On the first screen, players are given the ability to jump and can play with this for as long as they like, but to get to the next stage, they need to have mastered the skill so they can leap over an enemy and on to a platform. Afterwards, they learn about hidden bonuses and items, but only when each new addition has been perfected.

This "acquire, test, master" model is still intrinsic to game design. The recently released Portal 2, a brilliant, physics-based puzzler set in an abandoned science research facility, works in exactly the same way. Here, players wield a portal gun, a device that creates dimensional wormholes in walls, floors and ceilings – but they're only introduced to one facet of the gun at a time, and when it has been mastered, new items such as super-bouncy gels are introduced. There is constant progress and a continually evolving challenge, but there is always room to experiment and to figure things out through intuition.

"Games allow us to create these little systems where learning is controlled and taken advantage of really brilliantly," says Margaret Robertson, development director at innovative London-based games studio Hide&Seek. "We do love learning and we're good at it, but it is often frustrating in the real world because you don't always get to go at the pace you want to go and often don't immediately see the application of what you're doing. Also, learning is rarely done in an atmosphere that's a little bit illicit. Something we don't talk about is that, actually, one of the strengths of games is the stigma that still surrounds them – they feel like bunking off!"

But the brain's love of systems and puzzles is only part of the deeper appeal. Another important element is autonomy. Games tap into our need to have control; this is very obvious in "god games" such as The Sims, where we shape the lives of virtual humans, but it's becoming a vital element of action adventures and shooters, too.

"Games are increasingly complex systems that offer a variety of different experiences," says Dan Pinchbeck, an experimental game designer and lecturer in creative technologies. "Titles such as Red Dead Redemption and Assassin's Creed have a central design ethos that players should be able to define their own play to an extent. There's an emphasis on the pleasure of choosing and planning. We've moved quite dramatically away from the action games of the 80s and 90s, where the primary mode of engagement was reaction to events. Shooters still have this core of fast, reactive action, but a game such as Crysis 2 is also about approaching a situation, making a solid plan and then defining the template for this reactive mode, depending on your preferred play style."

This has proved to be a hugely successful recipe. The Grand Theft Auto series of urban shoot-'em-ups has sold more than 100 million copies, not just because of the rampant crime and violence, which is admittedly fun, but because they offer the player agency and authority in a realistic, complicated world. "There's a crescendo of ecstasy that comes through the acknowledged application of autonomy," says Robertson. "Games give you a space where you have power and most of us, most of the time, don't feel like that. And then, whatever you do, games notice. Again, in life, that doesn't always happen. If you do the things you're supposed to do efficiently and quietly, no one notices and that's rubbish."

Now, the industry has really started to consider the appeal of player autonomy. "There's a trend at the moment to look at what psychologists, behavioural economists and sociologists can give us pointers to," says Robertson. She has been reading essays by George Loewenstein, a behavioural economist who's written at length about curiosity: "Curiosity is the act of wanting a thing without knowing what it is. Lowenstein calls it 'closing the curiosity gap' – we find something narcotic in the sense of tension and the resolution. Well, there's a lot of that in video games and we need to understand it."

At this year's Game Developers Conference, for example, Kent Hudson, a game designer at LucasArts, gave a fascinating talk on self-determination theory, which concerns the study of human motivation. He talked about how gamers need to own their worlds in order to be happy. This sort of analysis used to be almost taboo within games, but now studios are taking it on board.

"The industry attitude towards education has changed radically for the better," says prominent game researcher Jesper Juul. "I recall hearing industry professionals claim that game design was something like an unteachable dark art, but now, with bigger budgets and with game design graduates placed in most studios, this attitude has mostly faded."

The best studios are also designing their titles around established reward systems. "A good game will have the expected progression at the end of each level, but it will also provide surprise rewards halfway through," says Ben Weedon, a consultant at PlayableGames, a company that carries out usability testing on new titles before they're released. "It's a principle that's based on workplace psychology. One of the best ways to reward employees is to enhance predictable annual bonuses with little treats added in every now and again – buying all your staff an iPod, for example. It keeps people much more motivated. In a game, you're essentially pressing the same buttons and doing the same things over and over again, so you need those elements of the unexpected to stay compelled."

But developers also know that there's more to games than systems and mechanics – story is becoming ever more important. Science-fiction adventure series Mass Effect has a sprawling story of intergalactic intrigue, while thrillers such as Heavy Rain and forthcoming Raymond Chandler-style detective adventure LA Noire, are loaded with the sort of compelling plot twists and shock revelations we're used to from movies. Indeed, narrative games have their own version of Hollywood's three-act structure, designed to keep us utterly hooked. "A shorter final act is often used to give a sense of acceleration towards climax," says Pinchbeck. "It's all about communicating the player's position on the arc, so they have a strong motivation to keep playing." Opening levels also tend to be brief, because this flatters us into thinking we're making quick progress.

Again, this comes back to the central appeal of games – authority. Game stories are often pretty hokey, but they're compelling because we're in control. Veteran British game designer Charles Cecil is currently working on the BBC's well-received Doctor Who Adventure games (downloadable from bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/theadventuregames) and has seen how giving fans control over the Doctor brings them closer to the plotlines. "The huge positive is that the player is experiencing the story advance as a reward for something that has been challenging," he says. "One of the joys of gaming is that the story means so much more because you have achieved something to get it, rather than just watching it. That is the great strength of the medium."

Another important game design facet is "disproportionate feedback", in which players are hugely rewarded for achieving very simple tasks. In highly successful shooters such as Call of Duty and Bulletstorm, when an enemy is shot, they don't just collapse to the floor, they explode into chunks. In casual puzzles, titles such as Zuma and Peggle, a completed level is accompanied by pixelated firework displays, sparkling rainbows and messages declaring: "Ultra Extreme Fever". These contrasting forms of graphical over-elaboration aren't just there for window-dressing, they're a charm offensive on the brain's pleasure centres: you're good, you're a success – you're powerful. Disproportionate feedback is an endorphin come-on.

Conversely, designers have discovered that failure can be an important factor in keeping us entertained. Four years ago, researchers at the Helsinki School of Economics' Mind lab studied the oscillatory brain responses of game players and found they often get pleasure from losing a life; if the resulting animation is entertaining, and if the failure is their own fault, it's just another indicator of the player's agency in the world. When urban driving game Burnout was released, the design team immediately realised that players loved crashing the cars because of the breathtakingly realistic destruction animations, so for the sequel, they added a mode that encouraged and rewarded dramatic collisions – it was a massive success.

Almost dying could be even more important. "I heard a talk at GDC that pointed out something interesting," says Brian Fleming, the producer of apocalyptic superhero adventure game inFamous. "When people tell stories about their greatest moments, they often revolve around nearly dying. In games, what's really special for people is not, 'I killed the bad guy and I was perfect', it's, 'I nearly died, but I just managed to kill the bad guy.' How do we set out specifically to give them those experiences? That's a great challenge for us as game makers."

Games tap into our motivations, our neural pathways, even our friendships. The rise of online multiplayer gaming as well as Facebook titles such as Farmville show that interactive worlds are becoming acceptable venues for social interaction. And brand owners are taking notice. Facebook and browser games are now a key element of many film and TV marketing campaigns – they're "sticky", they're compelling and they give potential viewers ownership over stories and characters. Then there's the burgeoning concept of gamification, in which websites, smartphone apps and location-based services such as Four Square and Gowalla are being designed to resemble games, with high scores and achievement points, to keep customers entertained. Everybody from Playboy to Starbucks to London Transport is providing game-like services to users, the latter via downloadable game Chromaroma, which rewards Oyster card users for exploring new areas. M2 Research estimates that companies spent more than $100m worldwide on gamification projects last year, a figure predicted to rise to $1.6bn by 2015.

So games aren't just about wasting time. They fulfil intrinsic human needs, whether we are conscious of it or not. "That loop of agency, learning and disproportionate feedback is at the heart of something very important," says Margaret Robertson. She thinks for a second before pointedly adding: "And very, very seductive."

Hackers access 25,000 customers' details from video game developer

Hackers have broken into the vaults of the Japanese video games developer, Square Enix, accessing the details of 25,000 customers in the second major data breach to hit the gaming world in recent weeks.

The software house, which is behind some of the world's most successful computer game franchises, including Final Fantasy, Deus Ex and the Tomb Raider series, said the intruders could have stolen customer email addresses after cracking security on two of its websites.

It said no credit card details were exposed, but admitted the CVs of 350 people applying for jobs in its Canadian offices could also have been downloaded.

"Square Enix can confirm a group of hackers gained access to parts of our Eidosmontreal.com website as well as two of our product sites," the company said in a statement.

"We immediately took the sites offline to assess how this had happened and what had been accessed, then took further measures to increase the security of these and all of our websites, before allowing the sites to go live again."

Square Enix's admission follows last month's revelation that an attack on Sony's gaming networks caused the loss of personal data held in tens of millions of online accounts.

Sony has apologised for the security failures that saw hackers break into its PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment networks, accessing the credit card accounts of more than 100 million customers.

The haul of data stolen in the Sony attacks, believed to be the biggest security breach in the history of the internet, could cost in excess of £1bn.

Square Enix stressed that information stolen from its servers was limited to contact details. "These email addresses are not linked to any additional personal information," it said. "They were site registration email addresses provided to us for users to receive product information updates."

Lombok: the quieter side of Bali

Lombok: the quieter side of Bali

Lombok is only a 20-minute hop from Bali, but it couldn't be more different from its wildly overdeveloped sister island

It is the end of the rainy season in Lombok, but the storm is yet to break. The air, heavy with moisture, collects in my elbow pits and rests on my top lip like milk. Even the breeze is dense and sticky. A horse and cart rattles along the narrow road and then a scuffed moped, its driver resting on a cushion of unplucked chickens. Is this small, self-sufficient volcanic island really becoming, as its embryonic tourist board suggests, the new Bali?

Twenty minutes away by air, Bali itself is bursting. This year the country is targeting 7 million foreign tourists – traffic jams block the streets, hotel complexes have been built over paddy fields, visitors tweet about the pollution. But Lombok, one of 27 provinces in the Indonesian archipelago remains, if not untouched, then certainly unbruised. In 1966 50,000 people died of famine on the island; one hopes the slow infusion of foreign wealth will prevent that happening again. Over the years the island has been primed for tourism annually, but it's only now, as plans for an international airport and a $600m project to put 10,000 luxury villas on Lombok's southern coast take shape, that the industry is showing real growth – boutique hotels spread tastefully around the coast.

After a 13-hour flight, my boyfriend and I take the three-hour connection from Singapore to Lombok, where we queue for $25 tourist visas and emerge exhausted into the dusty wetness of a busy dusk. It's a two-hour journey to Sekatong Bay, where Cocotinos recently became the first hotel to open on the island's east coast. We drive through Mataram, the island's capital, then out through the villages, where covered platforms line the roads and act as parasols for Lombok's weary workers. From shelves on every roadside house children sell mismatched glass bottles of moped fuel and packets of nuts. The hotel's rickety pier strikes through the dark sea like a fallen Christmas tree, and by candlelight we eat our first nasi goreng, a fried rice dish that's served for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

A day later, we travel west to Senggigi, the closest thing Lombok has to a holiday resort. Every drive here is in the shadow of Mount Rinjani, an active volcano that tourists can camp out on to photograph the sunrise and honeymoon energetically. We pass paddy fields where women stand in conical hats, casually thrashing the rice while their babies run naked through puddles. From a distance I see a glint of silver in the road – as we approach I realise it's a blanket scattered with tiny drying fish. It looks like a sequined jacket discarded after a party.

Senggigi is a concrete collection of karaoke bars and red-chested men. This is what Lombok might look like if the island wasn't 80% Muslim – the Hindu culture in Bali is more welcoming to those seeking all-day happy hours and bikini competitions, but it is Lombok's modesty that locals hope will ensure that it doesn't crumble under the weight of tourists. We stay at one of Senggigi's mid-priced hotels, Qinci Villas, where the tide comes in so far it splashes diners in the restaurant. Hawkers shout up from the beach, selling their local pearls and sarongs at "special sunset prices". Restaurants down the hill offer a taxi service from the hotels, which we use to visit Warung Manega, a seafood restaurant sat snugly on the shore. They barbecue fish over coconut husks and serve it accompanied by colanders of rice and salads of water spinach – a huge platter of squid, king prawns and fish costs around 100,000 rupiah, less than £8. Tip: if, in your excitement at selecting the biggest prawn you've ever seen, you drop it in the sand, rinse with Bintang beer. It'll still taste better than most dinners you've enjoyed.

The posher hotels, we learned that night, cost more because they're built further away from the mosques – mosques that broadcast their call to prayer very loudly from 4.30am until breakfast. A blogger on the island recalls a recent story in which a hotel owner "dared to suggest to a local village meeting that perhaps they could turn the volume down a touch on the prayer chant. The police subsequently arrested him." The blogger continued: "He received death threats and his villas were looted. To date no one has been arrested for the destruction to property. Lombok is a whole different kettle of fish from Bali."
Jeeva Klui A sense of calm at Jeeva Klui.

At Qinci, mosquitos slap juicily against the mirror, there are no televisions to watch when the storm finally breaks and the air conditioning spits an oddly urinary smell through the vents. We're happy to move on round the coast, past stands selling grilled jagung bakar (corn on the cob) and a bar where a covers band improves U2 songs by slurring the lyrics into a stream of pure emotion, to Jeeva Klui, a boutique hotel that shimmers with calm. In the morning we get a lift into the local market – on the way, we're reminded that to point with your left hand will cause offence, and I feel as foreign as snow, a feeling that returns whenever I meet locals, my hulking white body towering above their 5ft heights.

At the market, women sit on the floor rebalancing their bananas and komak beans in the shade of an umbrella. Chillis (the Indonesian translation of Lombok) cascade from baskets, topless boys hack coconuts into neat skull-shaped hunks, rice and salt are weighed by hand and, inside a vast dark warehouse, meat is presented red and semi-alive on heaving trestle tables. The island grows everything it needs, and each village has its speciality: one produces tofu from its bean curd, another makes dried shrimp paste, another is famous for its salted shark. All are available here, alongside cages of live cocks, being sold not-so-secretly for fights. We walk past the cidomos (the tiny horses and carts) and through a fisherman's village, where thatched shacks squat metres away from the sea and narrow boats (jukung) are tethered after they've delivered their red snapper.
Gili Eco Villas Gili Eco Villas on the island of Gili Trawangan. Photograph: Christopher Leggett

The tiny Gili islands are visible from the shore, with Gili Trawangan (the most developed) a popular backpackers' destination. We skid across the sea in a rickety speedboat and hail a cidomo on the jetty. There are no cars or fresh water on the Gili islands, but to make up for it there are plenty of Australian teenagers singing Katy Perry songs. Our dwarfish horse totters us drunkenly to Gili Eco Villas, a collection of houses at the far end of the island where the tiny rooms contain little more than a mosquito-netted bed. On the beach, snorkellers and divers coo over coral, and we watch clouds gather from a bar on stilts in the water. When the storm comes, it is so strong it cuts the electricity, so we sit in the dark under a wall-less roof and watch lightning rip across the ocean. The outside bathroom is alive with frogs and the mirrors steam up with thick tropical heat. When we get hungry, we pick through the forest, pausing in a wet huddle between flashes, and eat nasi goreng under a bamboo canopy.

In the morning, everything is sodden, and everyone is asleep. Back on the west coast of Lombok, another stormy night in the eccentric Puri Mas hotel means we are tied to the balldancing-themed bar, where a local band persuades my boyfriend to join them in hours of Elvis covers.

Tugu Lombok, our sixth hotel, looks like it was carved by talented giants. Spectacular and beautifully grand, with colourful traces of Dutch colonialism, it features ancient statues of Hindu gods scattered among the sun loungers, and the sea is clear enough to see blue fish nodding past your knees. We're woken by birdsong and pad into the outside bathroom with its huge copper bath.

We spend a final night around the bay at the famous Oberoi. The island's first luxury hotel is a temple of elegant excess, where a waiter watches sunbathers discreetly, sweeping over with sorbet on banana leaves when they start to sweat. The air is cleaner here, the money evident. Cycling out of the gates past the corrugated iron shacks that make up nearby villages, I feel as though my comparative wealth is visible like a guilty blush. I'd heard stories about Indonesians further inland throwing rocks at tourists, but we encounter only curiosity from the women resting by the road and excitement from the uniformed schoolchildren who run alongside our car, thumbs raised. Our final meal, a rijsttafel – an Indonesian feast – is served over the water in a candlelit hut. By the pool an orchestra of local children pluck traditional (if atonal) songs while women dance slowly.

On the way to the airport we stop in Pusuk Forest, where grey monkeys swarm by my feet for peanuts. The larger ones swipe the nuts away from the smaller ones, who lurk, hoodie-like, by the car. As we drive away, I'm convinced I see one swear.

Ferrari president: F1 has three options for the future

Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo argues that F1 has three possible future directions - to continue with current majority owners CVC Capital Partners, jump ship to News Corp/Exor...or for the teams to take control themselves
Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo claims F1 has 'three alternatives' regarding the direction that it takes beyond the end of next year – as he insists that the sport must move with the times and 'invest for the future'.

There is much talk right now about what will happen in F1 once the current commercial rights-governing Concorde Agreement expires at the end of 2012, with the recent confirmed News Corp/Exor interest having stirred up a veritable hornet's nest.

Teams have thus far conducted their negotiations solely with the sport's current majority owners CVC Capital Partners and Bernie Ecclestone's Formula One Management (FOM) organisation, but ostensibly, there may now be another party in the equation, should News Corp/Exor be serious about a potential buy-out – although Ecclestone is adamant that they are not [see separate story – click here].

With teams unhappy at the share of the F1 revenue that they presently receive in relation to how much goes into the coffers of CVC, and having espoused the benefits of launching a separate 'breakaway' series on several occasions in the past, it is perhaps unsurprising that di Montezemolo is now again suggesting that it would be wise to consider all the relevant options – only this time, given Italian investment firm Exor's very tangible link to Ferrari, his threat should perhaps be afforded greater credence.

“I think we have to be very pragmatic,” the 63-year-old told CNN. “At the end of 2012, the contracts of every single team with CVC will expire – so we have three alternatives. We renew with CVC, or theoretically – as the basketball teams did in the US with great success – we create our own company like the NBA to run the races, the TV rights and so on, or third, we find a different partner.

“Bernie Ecclestone has done a very good job, but he has already sold out three times, so he doesn't own the business anymore. It is CVC that will sell. It will be the teams' decision. At the end of 2012, the contract will expire, so theoretically, CVC doesn't own anything. I think it is important to have alternatives. We will see. We have time to do it.”

Of chief concern to di Montezemolo is what he describes as the 'artificial' and confusing flavour of the racing engineered by the raft of regulation changes implemented in F1 2011 – with overtaking having been significantly facilitated by Pirelli's deliberately fast-degrading tyres, the introduction of DRS and the return of the power-boost KERS technology. He also spoke about his distaste for the in-season ban on testing, and the necessity for the sport to embrace new media by providing maximum exposure for the sponsors who invest so much into it.

“We have gone too far with artificial elements,” the Italian underlined. “It's like if I push footballers to wear tennis shoes in the rain. I want to see competition, I want to see cars on the track; I don't want to see competition in the pits. In the last race there were [more than] 80 pit-stops. Come on, it's too much, and people don't understand anymore because when you come out of the pits you don't know what position you're in.

“I think we have gone too far with the machines, too many buttons – the driver is focussing on the buttons to give him authorisation to overtake. Ferrari will push a lot with the authority (the FIA), with the respect we have for the Federation and the other teams, to avoid going too far with F1 because I think it can create problems for the television people and on the racetrack. We are not able to do testing [either] – F1 is the only professional sport in the world where you can't train or test.
“We have to improve new technologies in F1 for the people watching on television, for iPad, for the internet. We have to invest in the US. F1, thanks also to Bernie Ecclestone, has become a worldwide sport; now we have to find the best solution. It is important to invest for the future and the other teams. I think we are in front of a very important moment.”

Every inch the politician that many believe he will one day become, di Montezemolo – who it is understood met with Daimler chairman Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz and McLaren shareholder Mansour Ojjeh in Stuttgart yesterday (Saturday) to discuss the situation – urged that Ferrari's close ties to Exor do not put the team in a more advantageous position than any of its rivals, and he concluded the interview by talking drivers, warmly praising Fernando Alonso and seeming to suggest that the under-fire Felipe Massa will be going nowhere next season.

“Yes, yes,” he answered, when asked whether Massa's seat was safe for 2012 in the wake of speculation variously linking Mark Webber, Robert Kubica, Nico Rosberg and Jenson Button to replacing the Brazilian at the Scuderia. “He has a contract with us for this year [and] for next year, so absolutely yes, no question about it.

“Alonso is very, very strong. He is one of the best drivers I have seen in my career, very strong in the mind, pushing the team, but in a constructive way and also very close to the team. I want to keep Alonso a long time.”

iPhone 5 Infographic Puts All the Rumors Together

The iPhone 5 could launch in June this year, although there has been a bit of talk of it not showing up till September of this year. Either way, the iPhone 5 (or 4GS) will eventually arrive and with it, a few tweaks here and there.

The infographic embedded below, shows a number of changes that might happen to the next generation iPhone and also gives a percentage of how likely the change will be made.

Some of the obvious changes include an updated camera, perhaps 8 megapixels on the back. We also hear that the Home Button might be dropped in favor of the multi-touch gestures used on iOS 4.3 (for developers). This is a little less likely due to 4/5 finger gestures being next to impossible on the small screen. We hear a slightly larger screen will be used, perhaps 4 inches. Again, Apple has always used the smaller 3.5 inch screen with the only main difference being the higher pixel density Retina Display on the iPhone 4.

A new design is also hinted at with some believing the device will take design hints from the new iPad 2 with a flat metallic back and rounded edges. It is more likely that Apple will stick to the iPhone 4 design, perhaps with something to squash the antenna rumors that caused a stir last year.

A physical keyboard is on the list although we agree that it has a probability of zero percent.

Many more rumors can be found on the infographic below (created by Nowhere Else).

LG Optimus Pad Arrives in the UK

LG has launched the LG Optimus Pad in the UK. The device runs the Android 3.0 Honeycomb operating system and has an 8.9 inch display. The processor running that tablet is an NVIDIA Tegra 2 Dual-Core.

A unique feature of the Optimus Pad is that it utilises dual cameras on the back which each can capture at 5 megapixels. By combining both cameras together, 3D video is capable of being captured on the device.

The 8.9 inch screen has a resolution of 1280 x 768 pixels. For connectivity, it has WiFi that is compatible with 802.11b/g/n networks as well as 3G connectivity. A webcam is also included on the device.

For pricing, which is probably the reason you are reading this, it costs £749.99 SIM free. Alternatively, you can get the new tablet subsidised on most of the UK networks which brings the price down a luttle to £299.99 on a 24 month contract costing £25/month. Before jumping in and buying, make sure you do the maths to work out what is the best option for you!

Full pricing details at the Carphone Warehouse can be found over here.

Apple Update the iMac

Over the past few weeks, there's been some speculation about a new 2011 line of iMac's being launched by Apple. That speculation can now come to an end as Apple has indeed launched a new range of iMacs.

Just like the previous generation, there are four different models to choose from with two of them having 21.5 inch screens and two of them having larger 27 inch screens. Each has a faster CPU which is now quad-core for every model. Each has 3x faster graphics power and includes a HD camera to be used with FaceTime. The new Thunderbolt port is also included in the 2011 refresh.

The 2011 iMac range looks very similar to the 2010 models. The screens use an LED backlight and also show the same amount of pixels. The screens are also IPS allowing for a wider viewing angle.

The quad-core processors are said to be up to 70 percent faster than the previous generation of the iMac. The lowest processor is an Intel Core I5 that is included on the basic 21.5 inch model. On the 27 inch models, buyers get a Core i7 chip.
21.5 Inch iMac Specs

The smaller 21.5 inch iMacs come in two options. The first is priced at $1199 and the second at $1499. The differences that bring the price up are the processor which on the lower priced model is a 2.5GHz Core i5 with 6MB on-chip L3 cache. The higher priced model has a 2.7GHz i5 also with the same 6MB of cache.

Both 21.5 inch models come with 4GB of memory on 2x2GB running at 1333MHz (DDR3). Memory can be configured up to 16GB when ordered online.

For storage there's 500GB on the low end model and 1TB on the high end model. The bottom end model cannot be upgraded (or at least Apple doesn't list that possibility), while the upper end model can have up to 2TB of storage on hard drive, or 256GB on SSD if required.

The graphics on the 21.5 inch models are powered by AMD Radeon HD chips with the lower end having a 6750M processor with 512MB of GDDR5. The upper end model has a similar 6770M chip with the same amount of RAM.

If you want the option to upgrade more, go for the higher priced 21.5 inch model as you can change the storage as well as RAM.
27 Inch iMac Specs

The larger 27 inch models also come in two variations with the lower end costing $1699 and the upper end costing $1999 (both base models). On the lower end model you'll find a 2.7GHz Core i5 CPU with 6MB of cache. The upper model has a 3.1GHz Core i5 as standard.

Both models come with a 1TB harddrive as standard which can be upgraded on both models to 2TB or to 256GB SSD just like the upper 21.5 inch model.

The graphics chip on the lower end is the 6770M and on the upper end model, it's the 6970M along with 1GB of GDDR5 memory.

The upper end model is a little more configurable than the other 27 inch model in that you can opt for a faster 3.4GHz Intel Core i7 if desired. A faster graphics card can also be selected if needed with up to 2GB of GDDR5 memory.

Overall, a fairly decent refresh. The full layout of specs can be found over on the Apple store.

Android Smartphones to Get Video Chat

Google has announced that Google Talk is being updated to include video chat. The update will begin rolling out to Nexus S owners in the coming weeks and following that, any device that supports Android 2.3 and has the correct hardware, meaning a camera, will also be getting the update.

When activated on your compatible smartphone, you'll simply be able to load up Google Talk and click the video call icon next to a username. It doesn't matter if the other person is using Google Talk on a desktop or other smartphone. If they can use video chat, you'll be able to speak with them.

Google Talk will be delivered over the air and will come with the Android 2.3.4 update that rolls out soon.

An interesting feature of Google Talk video chat is that you'll be able to carry on sending text to each other as you talk. This means that links to other web pages can be shared. When sending text, the other person sees that text on the bottom corner of the video chat window.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Ubud – the best Holiday Vacation On Bali

ubud ngaben Ubud   the best Holiday Vacation On Bali
ubud ngaben ritual
Ubud is a town on the Bali Island in Ubud District, located amongst rice paddies and steep ravines in the central foothills of the Gianyar regency. One of Bali’s major arts and culture centres.
Ubud is famous for it’s regularly nightly traditional dance performances, which are part of the traditional culture and are arranged for tourists on a regular schedule. The main street is Jalan Raya Ubud (it  means: main road), which runs east-west through the center of town. Two long roads, Jalan Monkey Forest and Jalan Hanoman, extend south from Jalan Raya Ubud. Puri Saren Agung is a large palace located at the intersection of Monkey Forest and Raya Ubud roads. The home of Tjokorda Gede Agung Sukawati (1910-1978), the last “king” of Ubud, it is now occupied by his descendants and dance performances are held in its courtyard. It was also one of Ubud’s first hotels, dating back to the 1930s.
On this year, Ubud was awarded as the best city of Asia. This award is given by Conde Nast Traveler magazine. The results of the annual election of the readers Conde Nast Traveler magazine chose Bali as the best city of Asia with a score of 82.5 of the total score with 100.
For you who want vacation to bali, ubud providing a lot of resorts  with various facilities like spas and villas. I’ll show you some places that could be a reference.
ubud vacation on bali Ubud   the best Holiday Vacation On Bali
Ubud-Agricultural State
ubud vacation on bali 2 Ubud   the best Holiday Vacation On Bali
Ubud Resort-Vacation on Bali
ubud traditional building 510x382 Ubud   the best Holiday Vacation On Bali
Ubud-Traditional Building
ubud bali vacation Ubud   the best Holiday Vacation On Bali
ubud bali vacation